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Italy: did you know that…? – Industry 4.0

Welcome back to our section “Italy: did you know that…?”, by which you will have the opportunity to you discover little-known facts about Italian industrial system and its strengths.

Did you know that Italy is considered one of the European superpowers in robotics?

The Italian manufacturing and robotics sector is widely associated with high standards, also thanks to the measures introduced by the government’s industrial plan, “Industry 4.0”. The sector is increasingly becoming known for its digital dimension, which translates into greater automation and interconnection between machines and processes.

In 2018 Italy installed more robots than any other European country: the year-on-year growth rate was 27,3%, higher than Spain (26,2%), Germany (24,8%) and France (18,4%). In 2018 a total of 9.800 industrial robots were installed in Italy.

Italy is also the second largest manufacturing country of industrial robots in Europe and, as for the use of industrial robots, ranks third among European countries. Moreover, Italy’s robot density is 200 per 10.000 workers, higher than the European average (114) and more than double the world average (99).

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Remarks from the Ambassador of Italy to China, H.E. Mr. Luca Ferrari 

Italy has a long-lasting tradition in precision manufacturing, advanced machinery and biotech, exporting its high-end products in all continents. Looking at future trends, Italy acknowledges the great role that “Industry 4.0” will play in world economy. This is why “Industry 4.0” is also one of the pillars of the Italian strategy for the promotion of export, designed by the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Luigi Di Maio.

Our companies are known worldwide for their solid experience and high level of specialization in this field, both in terms of production and in the provision of support services.

The Italian institutions in China work daily to facilitate access of Italian enterprises into the Chinese market and to promote exchanges with Chinese companies, while protecting intellectual property rights.

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